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Influencer Collaboration is Important

Uncertain times further marketing innovation. It prompts creatives, 89% of them according to a survey conducted by Adobe Stock, to take a deep-dive into what they do best, putting their imaginations to work to find new approaches, re-inventing products to adapt and fostering demand. Many of these changes are improvements to the status quo and will stay in place as we move forward.

These innovations need visibility to thrive. This is where influencer collaboration plays a pivotal role and here’s why.

#1. Marketing Agility

Agility is crucial. Influencer marketing can turn your messaging “on a dime”.

#2. Cost Effectiveness

Influencer marketing is affordable. No need for an agency, graphic design, a copywriter or formal creative.

#3. Dynamic

Your strategy can be as dynamic as you like, telling the story as it evolves to a dedicated following.

#4. Credible Endorsement

Users rely on influencers they follow and respect for recommendations, providing a third party endorsement.

#5. More Time Spent on Social Media

People are spending more time on social media platforms now than ever before. Statista reports a 21% uptick in social media usage in 2020.

#6. Authenticity

Influencers present your brand in a real life context, introducing it to an audience that might not have discovered it otherwise.

#7. Targeted Audience

Influencer marketing is highly targeted, moving beyond a demographic profile to the realm of like-minded people with niche interests. It speaks to the user in a manner that they relate to or, better yet, emulate.

#8. Backlinks

Influencers build backlinks that are so important to search engine optimization.

#9. Only The Best Content Creators Will Do

Your news release on® is sent to a hand-curated and carefully vetted list of only the highest quality content creators.

#10. Steamlined Collaboration

Follow-up news advisory analytics on® include a list of five of the most engaged influencers. This not only introduces your product, but it saves time, helping you quickly pinpoint influencers who are interested in what you have to say.

#11. Trackability

Assign a tracking URL to your communiqué to monitor performance. (We can help facilitate this.)

Whether you are a brand and business or an influencer,® is a place where connections are made. Explore the website and learn more.

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